suicidal ocd
An individual experiences disturbing and unwanted thoughts, urges or images of killing one's self. The individual engages in the compulsions to avoid or protect themselves from the act of suicide. Individuals with this particular theme are not any more likely to kill themselves than someone without these kinds of intrusive thoughts. All suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously and assessed by a trained professional.
Common obsession of Suicidal Theme OCD
Common Compulsions of Suicidal Theme OCD
Common obsession of Suicidal Theme OCD
- Disturbing and detailed images of killing self
- Urges to drive into traffic, jump in front of a bus/train
- Urges to jump from a balcony, bridge, or high location
Common Compulsions of Suicidal Theme OCD
- Avoiding sharp objects or other lethal means
- Reassuring themselves they want to live
- Avoid being alone or other triggering places or situations